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February 24th 2019, Chinese Wine Summit 2019 , initiated and organized by TasteSpirit and Shanghai Morning Post, has successfully taken place in Shanghai.
The Chinese Wine Grand Tasting has attracted more than 1,000 attendees, including the most important distributors, retailers, hotel/restaurant decision makers and wine lovers of China’s wine market; more than 400 distinguished guests have participated masterclasses with different themes : wines from German, Spanish, Italian and Chinese wines; more than 10,000 people have watched the online live broadcasting of those masterclasses; around 300 Chinese winery owners, winemakers and Chinese wine industry veterans attended the China Wine Summit Forum to share and discuss ideas about the current status and future of Chinese wine.
Three world-renowned wine critics, Jancis Robinson MW, Bernard Burtschy and Ian D’Agata gathered again in Shanghai and assessed 55 Chinese wines selected from more than 100 samples of 50 Chinese wineries. They have jointly recommended and given awards of Top 10 Chinese Wines of the Year, Most Promising Chinese Wines of the Year and Best Value Chinese Wines of the Year to the most outstanding Chinese wineries.
3 minutes video to review all events of the 2-day China Wine Summit:
The whole-day Chinese Wine Grand Tasting gathered 31 wineries and more than 120 top Chinese wines from 11 core wine regions of China: Huailai Shacheng of Hebei, Helan Mountain of Ningxia, Fangshan of Beijing, Yanqi, Turpan and North Tianshan Mountain of Xinjiang, Shangri-La of Yunan, Yantai of Shandong, Wuwei of Gansu, Yuchuan of Xi’an Shaanxi and Huanren of Liaoning. This is the largest and highest-level annual grand tasting of top Chinese wines in the world. It’s the best opportunity to explore the wine terroir of China.
Around 200 owners of Chinese wineries and leaders inside and outside China’s wine industry have attended the Prestige Dinner of China Wine Summit 2019. The awards jointly chosen by 3 world-renowned wine critics Jancis Robinson MW, Bernard Burtschy and Ian D’Agata were announced: Top 10 Chinese Wines of the Year, Most Promising Chinese Wines of the Year, Best Value Chinese Wines of the Year. The Most Popular Chinese Wineries of The Year award was chosen from the votes of more than 1000 attendees during the Chinese Wine Grand Tasting.
The complete list of winners of China Wine Summit 2019 (listed in a random order):
马丁酒庄马瑟兰干红,河北怀来沙城产区 2016
Martin Vineyard Marselan, Huailai, Hebei 2016
宁夏贺兰山东麓庄园品丽珠干红葡萄酒,宁夏贺兰山东麓 2015
Ningxia Helanshan Manor Cabernet Franc Dry Red Wine,
East Helan Mountain, Ningxia 2015
宁夏贺兰晴雪酒庄加贝兰小脚丫黑比诺,宁夏贺兰山东麓 2015
Helan Qingxue Vineyard, Jia Bei Lan Baby Feet Pinot Noir, East Helan Mountain, Ningxia 2015
Helan Qingxue Vineyard, East Helan Mountain
Ningxia Kanaan Winery, East Helan Mountain
Amethyst Manor, Huailai, Hebei
Martin Vineyard, Huailai, Hebei
China Wine Summit Forum has attracted around 300 representatives of major Chinese wine regions, owners and winemakers of Chinese wineries, wine educators, leaders of China’s wine industry, top wine critics, and well-known Chinese research scholars etc. They have discussed and shared their observation and ideas about the current status and future of Chinese wine market.
Jancis Robinson MW, world-renowned wine criticYoung Shi, co-founder of TastespiritBernard Burtschy, world-renowned wine criticIan D’Agata, world-renowned wine criticRound TableZuming Wang, vice-general-secretary of China Alcoholic Drinks Association and general-secretary of China Wine AssociationBertrand CRISTAU, owner of Xiaoling, winery from Shangrila of YunanFang Wang, owner of Kanaan Winery from East Helan Mountain of NingxiaForum moderator: Siwei Zhu, co-founder and Editor-in-Chief of Tastespirit
World-renowned wine critics Bernard Burtschy and Ian D’Agata, and Professor Changning Duan, director of the Research Center of Grape and Wine at China Agricultural University in Beijing, have hosted the Chinese Wine Masterclass.
Jancis Robinson MW has hosted 2 themed masterclasses for Chinese wine lovers, the German Wine Masterclass in cooperation with Wines of Germany, and the Spanish Wine Masterclass in cooperation with Wines from Spain.
The Summit also presented a special masterclass focusing on the Huailai Shacheng wine region of Hebei and an Italian wine tasting with TasteItaly!
China Wine Summit will continue take place annually to help the development of Chinese wine industry.
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有“世界葡萄酒第一夫人”美誉,圣经级大作《牛津葡萄酒字典》等著作的作者,世界最有影响力的酒评家,英国葡萄酒与烈酒教育基金会WSET前名誉主席,葡萄酒贸易行业外第一位“葡萄酒大师”(Master of Wine),英国女王酒窖顾问,JancisRobinson.com的创建人和每日专栏主笔,《金融时报》(Financial Times)葡萄酒专栏作家,知味特别顾问。她毕业于牛津大学,曾获得英国女王授予的不列颠帝国勋章。
贝尔纳·布尔奇 Bernard Burtschy
世界著名酒评家,法国最重要的酒评家之一,法国葡萄酒媒体联合会(APV)主席,法国第一大报《费加罗报》葡萄酒新媒体Avis du Vin的创办者,知味特别顾问。2016年他获得了由国际美食学院颁发的“葡萄酒媒体国际金橘奖”。他同时拥有统计学博士学位,是法国著名的巴黎高等电信学院(Telecom ParisTech)的退休教授。
伊安·达加塔 Ian D’Agata
世界著名酒评家,著名国际酒评媒体Vinous主笔,知味葡萄酒顾问;他同时还是意大利著名的Collisioni露天音乐美食美酒节的美食美酒创意总监,并在纽约大学(New York University)的食品科学硕士项目中讲授意大利葡萄酒的文化历史。 作为一位坚持25年笔耕不辍的优秀葡萄酒作家,他曾多次被授予“意大利最杰出葡萄酒作家”的殊荣。他2014年出版的巨著《意大利原生酿酒葡萄品种》,奠定了他在意大利葡萄酒领域的权威地位,并获得了2015年度Louis Roederer国际葡萄酒大奖的年度图书奖。
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3. Kumeu River Mate’s Vineyard Chardonnay 2013, Kumeu, New Zealand 2013
库妙河酒庄马特霞多丽干白葡萄酒,新西兰库妙 2013
进口商:Wine Republic 云门
库妙河酒庄(Kumeu River)是公认的新西兰出产霞多丽最顶尖的酒庄,2014年11月还被选为国宴用酒,招待过习近平主席。酒庄的酿酒师Michael Brajkovich同时还是一位葡萄酒大师(Master of Wine)。
4. Yeringberg Marsanne Roussanne, Yarra Valley, Australia 2011
雅伦堡庄园玛珊胡珊干白葡萄酒,澳大利亚雅拉谷 2011
进口商:Pran Cellar 葡睿
雅伦堡(Yeringberg)是维多利亚州雅拉谷(Yarra Valley)最杰出最古老的酒庄之一,有150多年坚持酿制精品葡萄酒的家族传统。酒庄目前由家族第四代人Sandra du Pury负责酿酒,这位出色的女酿酒师曾经还担任过多家著名西餐厅的行政总厨,读过医科和MBA,经历也是颇为传奇。酒庄拥有的全澳洲最老的玛珊胡珊葡萄园,大师班选用的这款白葡萄酒就来自这里,由这两个原产自罗纳河谷的两个白葡萄品种玛珊胡珊混酿,呈现出清新矿质的优雅风格。
5. Stefano Lubiana Estate Pinot Noir, Derwent Valley, Tasmania, Australia 2009
思露庄园黑皮诺干红葡萄酒,澳大利亚塔斯马尼亚德文特谷 2009
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